At Perplex we organise weekly activities/ Most activities are non-committal, but for most activities it is practical to sign up, so we know how many people to expect.
people from all corners of our society
Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we offer 'Coffee with Attention' between 10:00-17:00. Come by for a delicious coffee. Made in a real barista coffee machine, at a friendly price and with the possibility of a personal conversation.
Elke donderdag tussen 12:00-16:00 bieden wij op onze locatie een stevige lunch aan voor een schappelijke prijs. Voor slechts €2,= krijgt u een lunch waar u een middag op vooruit kunt én onbeperkt koffie of thee. Onze vrijwilligers staan voor u klaar!
Eens in de twee weken op zaterdag is het feest! Dan word er voor u een volledig drie gangen menu gekookt (inclusief koffie of thee) in de Verwondering door onze eigen kok. Opgeven is niet nodig (maar mag wel), u kunt zo aanschuiven tussen 12:00-16:00. Bekijk onze agenda om te zien wanneer de eerstvolgende maaltijd is. Kosten zijn slechts €2,50.
students and young professionals
Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 18:00 for a delicious meal cooked by fellow students. Time for good food, good conversations and conviviality. Dessert includes the cutting moment: talking about a specific topic, sharing your view on it with your table companions and being stimulated by other opinions.
You can register using the form below.
Every week, Perplex opens its doors as a study café! A quiet place to study or work, together with others while enjoying fresh coffee or tea. There is always someone from the team present as a point of contact or to have a nice chat with. Feel free to stay as long or short as you like!
Every 2 weeks we organize a dinner in collaboration with international students of Cornerstone on Tuesday evening, at 18:00. Everyone is welcome to taste dishes from different cuisines! Keep an eye on the socials for the dates.
Once in a while we organise special events. Check our Instagram for the latest updates!
Ma: 10:00-17:00 Di: 10:00-17:00 en vanaf 18 Wo: 10:00-17:00 Do: 10:00-17:00 en vanaf 18 Vr: gesloten Zat: Om de week van 12:00 tot 16:00.
Do you have a question that has not been answered elsewhere on our website? Feel free to contact us via one of the following platforms.
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