Perplex. Coming home in the heart of Nijmegen

Perplex is a place of community. Different teams and groups meet regularly and create a place where you are welcome. We do this from the love that we experience from God; with God you can come home. That is why we are Perplex! Welcome to everyone, regardless of your background. Come along to an activity in our café or in the prayer cellar.

Core values .

Perplex is a place of hospitality: we always have coffee, tea and attention. People and community are central to us; before you know it, you are no longer a guest, but a friend of the house who sometimes helps out. In a hectic society, we want to be a ‘place to be’ where you can freely ‘be’ instead of doing.As core teams of Perplex, we are inspired by Jesus. In the prayer room we find peace and refuel. Whether you yourself have something to do with faith or not, you are welcome here!

The team .

As a team, we ensure that everything runs smoothly at Perplex. This would not be possible without our volunteers. Want to get involved? Read here 

Maaike - Perplex
Teamlid Philinde voor Perplex logo

From pizzeria to café .

Did you know that Perplex… used to be a pizzeria? Read more about how we came to be!

Zo rond 1991 begon een clubje Nijmegenaren vanuit Jeugd met een Opdracht te brainstormen over hoe ze iets konden betekenen voor de stad. Het waren mensen van diverse Nijmeegse kerken. Op een gegeven moment kwam er de droom voor een koffiehuis. Uiteindelijk kwam een pandje in de Eilbrachtstraat op hun radar; een oude pizzeria. …Wonderbaarlijk genoeg was binnen twee weken het benodigde bedrag binnen! Dit werd gedragen door alle kerken in Nijmegen, via diverse leningen en giften. Het pand werd aangekocht door ‘Stichting de Verwondering’.

In November 1993, the building opened its doors. The atmosphere was friendly and accessible; a place where Christians and others from all corners of Nijmegen could come together. A place of connection and breaking down prejudices. The original target group? Young Urban Professionals, or Yuppies. However, there was little left of that very soon; because of its location in the city district, there were many homeless people and addicts around the building. A number of volunteers thought that this was a wonderful group to support, so the building was soon full of them every day.

A full-time coordinator managed the volunteers. The coffee house was open daily and was a vibrant place for many years. The volunteers always came from various churches; it was a place of unity and cooperation. Over the years there were various teams and activities, including refugee work, supporting prostitutes, a creative studio, men's breakfast, prisoner visits and pastors' breakfast.

Around 2010, the number of visitors started to decrease somewhat with that buzz; the Municipality of Nijmegen started to do more and more for the target group and both the number of visitors and volunteers decreased and the open meals were continued on a low flame. The foundation board came into contact with a student group that wanted to create a place of community for students. No sooner said than done… with a thorough renovation and a new name – Perplex – this change was sealed. Weekly student meals, working together during the study café, going out together during the introduction period under the name ‘Eerste hulp bij Dronkenschap’… in various ways we are active by and for students and we build community in a student world where there is a great need for connection.

After a few years of two separate teams, the current challenge is to create more coherence in the overall picture of Perplex. Together as a total Perplex community we are discovering: who are we together and how can we make Perplex a daily vibrant place again?
Wordt vervolgd dus!!